David Houston

David Houston is an Assistant Professor of Education in the College of Education and Human Development and the academic program coordinator of the Education Policy program at George Mason University. He is also the director of EdPolicyForward: The Center for Education Policy, a university affiliate faculty in the Schar School of Policy and Government, and the survey director of the Education Next Poll at Harvard University. Prof. Houston studies education politics, governance, and public opinion. His research has appeared in academic outlets such as the American Journal of Education, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, and Educational Researcher. It has also been featured in media outlets such as Vox, Chalkbeat, and Education Week. This work has been supported by the Spencer Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, and the W. T. Grant Foundation. Prior to his position at Mason, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. He earned his PhD in Politics and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Before pursuing his doctorate, he taught first and second grade in New York City.